TIP # 1Start Consuming a Good Multivitamin + Multimineral PillIf you are experiencing major hair fall, it indicates deficiency of key nutrients in your body. To take care of that, along with a good and balanced diet, take multivitamins and multiminerals to replenish the nutrient deficiency in your body fast and prevent hair loss. You can buy them from any "health food" store. Just ask for the best multivitamin-multimineral tablet available that gets easily absorbed into the adult body. The idea is to ensure proper nutrient supply into your body to resume its proper functioning and stop hair loss.
TIP # 2
Drink Plenty of Water Daily
Drinking at least between 10 and 14 - 8oz. glasses of water every day is another great way to prevent hair loss. Water helps wash off toxins from your body. These toxins could be a major reason for hair loss. Drink distilled water or at least filtered water that does not contain Chlorine, lead, etc. for healthy hair.
TIP # 3
Cut Caffeine
Caffeine is a diuretic, which makes you urinate out more liquid than you take in causing dehydration. Dehydration of your body and hair roots is another key reason for hair loss. Replace your daily coffee intake with a fruit beverage, milk or any other non-caffeinated drink to those shiny and healthy hair.
TIP # 4Sleep Is the Key - Get 7 to 8 Hours of Sleep Every NightProper amount of sleep every night is vital for your overall health and that of your hair as well. Sleep is the time for the body to regenerate and recover from the day’s work, removing the toxins you inhaled, eaten and drank. A sound sleep helps you in getting a sound and healthy body and controls hair falling.TIP # 5Know what you apply to your hair!Most of the men hardly care about the shampoo they are using. I have seen a lot of my friends using a four-in-one shampoo, conditioner, body wash & automotive degreaser in one easy-to-use bottle for hair! SOME OTHER USEFUL TIPS!!• Trim off damaged and split ends frequently, as they obstruct the hair growth process and make the edges of your hair strands weak. • Keep hair clean. Make sure that your scalp and hair are always clean. It will help your hair grow faster. Dirt clogs the hair follicles, which makes it more difficult for hair to grow. However, do not shampoo every day, as men’s hair get easily damaged, and excessive shampooing can dehydrate hair and cause breakage. Shampoo twice a week while cleanse hair with conditioner daily. • Rinse hair with lukewarm water. Never use very hot or cold water to wash hair. It makes them brittle. • Condition hair daily. Ensure that you use a conditioner at all times after shampooing your hair. Conditioner helps soften and detangle hair. • Deep condition every alternate week. Use a deep conditioner that contains protein at least twice a month to strengthen hair. Hot oil treatment with olive oil to intensely moisten the hair follicles is also very effective to stop hair fall. • Be gentle with wet hair. Don’t comb, pull, tug, twist, or be rough with your hair in any way immediately after hair wash. Hair roots are weak and prone to breakage when wet. • Say no to chemical treatment of hair. Chemical treatments like relaxers do make curly hair look longer, though they drastically slow down the growth of men’s hair. • Avoid using hot hair-styling products. Use of hot irons, blow-dryers, and other appliances producing heat damage the hair. Ensure that your blow-dryer is set on a low temperature setting. • Protect hair from damage due to heat by applying a protein lotion before you use a blow-dryer. • Lubricate your hair. Using a moisturizer greatly reduces the chances of split ends and promotes hair growth by diminishing breakage. However, to avoid overtly oily hair, use only a little moisturizer or try lubricating your hair a couple of hours before hair wash. Moisturized hair will attract dust if you go out. • Massage your scalp daily. Massaging helps circulate blood and brings nutrients to the scalp. Put both your hands on the head and move your fingers in slow, circular motion. Massaging will make your scalp warm and tingly — it is an indicator that blood is flowing to the scalp which will help in hair growth. • Include protein in your diet. Protein strengthens hair and controls hair falling. Eat a high protein diet filled with meat, fish, eggs, avocados, nuts, and beans, or add protein supplements to your drinks. • Increase your folic acid intake. Folic acid is vital for hair health and growth. Include food with high folic acid in your diet. Add soybeans, green vegetables, and carrots to your daily menu
Dark circles under eyes occur generally due to lack of sleep, stress, some disease or it may be due to some hereditary disorders. It is common to have dark circles under the eyes.These are temporary and can be treated effectively using following homemade remedies-
1. Mix fresh potato juice and cucumber juice in equal amounts. Soak some cotton in the above mixture and put on your eyelids for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water.
2. Cut a cucumber in thin slices and apply on top of each eye for 20 minutes. This will drain the stress from the eyes and cool it down.
3.Tea bags are found to be very effective as far as curing dark circles is concerned. A cold tea bag should be placed on the top of each eye for 20 minutes everyday.
4. One can use rose water or almond oil for massaging the under eyes dark circle, to get rid of them.
5. Gently press the mount below the index finger of your palm. This will enhance eye sight and also remove dark circles.
6. Grind nutmeg with milk and make a paste. Apply this paste on the dark circles. This will work very well and remove the dark circles.
7. Crush some mint leaves and apply its juice under the eyes.
For people having dark circles an 8 hour sleep is a must. At the same time one should drink plenty of water.
8. Make a paste blending tomatoes and lemon juice in equal amounts. Add a pinch of gram flour and turmeric powder and apply the paste and leave it for 15 minutes. This will do wonders in curing dark circles.
9. Harmful rays can also cause eye circles. Hence one can wear sunglasses while going out to protect eyes from harsh sunrays.
The above measures will surely help you to rid of your dark circles.
Snoring is a fairly common affliction, affecting 40 percent of men and 25 percent of women. If you snore, you make a raspy, rattling, snorting sound while you breathe during sleep. Older people are particularly prone to snoring: About one-third of people ages 55 to 84 snore.
Despite its frequency, however, snoring is a sleep disorder that can have serious medical and social consequences. The tips that follow may help you sleep more peacefully
1: Sleep on Your Side
You're more likely to snore if you're lying on your back, and sleeping on your stomach is stressful on your neck
2: Lose Weight
Excess body weight, especially around the neck, puts pressure on the airway, causing it to partially collapse
3: Avoid Alcohol and Tranquilizers
Both alcohol and sleeping pills can depress your central nervous system and relax the muscles of your throat and jaw, making snoring more likely. These substances are also known to contribute to sleep apnea, a dangerous condition that has been linked with cardiovascular disease. And they should never, ever be used together. If you have difficulty sleeping without sleeping pills (or if you use alcohol to help yourself fall asleep), discuss it with your doctor
4: Get Your Allergies Treated
Chronic respiratory allergies may cause snoring by forcing sufferers to breathe through their mouths while they sleep. Taking an antihistamine just before bedtime may help. If your nose is stuffed up, try using an over-the-counter saline spray or a humidifier
5: Buy a Mouth Guard
Your dentist or doctor may be able to prescribe an antisnoring mouth guard that holds the teeth together and keeps the lower jaw muscles from becoming too lax
6: Stop Smoking
Smoke damages the respiratory system
7: Keep a Regular Schedule
Get plenty of sleep. Go to bed and get up at the same time each day.
8: See a Doctor if You Are Pregnant and Snoring
Sometimes, women who are pregnant will begin to snore. The snoring may begin because of the increased body weight and because the hormonal changes of pregnancy cause muscles to relax. Whatever the cause, snoring during pregnancy may rob your baby of oxygen. Talk with your doctor about it
9: Elevate Your Head
Sleeping with your head raised may take some of the pressure off of the airway, making breathing easier. Raise the head of the bed by putting blocks under the bed posts, or prop up your upper body (not just your head, which can actually inhibit breathing) with pillows.
Excessive snoring may also indicate that you have sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder. You should see your doctor if :
•You wake up during the night choking and gasping for breath
•You have been told that your snoring is disturbing to others
•You don't feel refreshed when you wake up
•You are extremely tired during the day
•You wake with a headache
•You are gaining weight
•You have trouble concentrating, remembering, or paying attention
•Your bed partner notices that your breathing pauses during sleep
It's important to have sleep apnea treated, not only because it interferes with your daily functioning, but because it boosts your risk of vascular disease. Sleep apnea can be treated with lifestyle modification, surgery, oral mouth guards, or a CPAP machine, which blows air into the back of your throat while you sleep.