Friday, 3 August 2012


we believed psychological disturbances to be the main reason behind depression. At the same time, food items, at least some of them, were considered to be one of the tools that help fight depression. However, it is now being noticed that certain types of food, if consumed in excess, can create the feeling of depression in an individual. The reason for this is the fact that certain type of foods are low in cholesterol, sugars and fat, at the same time being high in protein. This combination leads to low production of serotonin, ‘the happy-maker' neurotransmitter, and in turn, makes you feel depressed. In the following lines, we have provided a list of foods responsible for causing depression.
Foods That Cause Depression
Alcohol is not only injurious to the liver, but also to the overall health. It triggers depression too. Therefore, consumption of alcoholic drinks is strictly not recommended for those who are the victim of depression and related disorders.
Stimulants might give you instant energy, but beware; they may any time become a root cause for the condition of depression. High-caffeine intake triggers anxiety, depression and insomnia too. Therefore, tea and coffee should be had in moderation, if you want to stay away from depression.
Processed Foods
Processed foods are a strict no-no, if you are suffering from anxiety related disorders and sleeplessness, because such foods might trigger depression. Heavily processed foods are laden with sodium, which adds to depression. Therefore, fast food, canned food and pre-packaged dehydrated food should not be consumed. Stay away from white bread, pasta (made with eggs), white rice, and other similar foods.
Foods Blocking Serotonin & Selenium
Low levels of serotonin can lead to a chemical imbalance in the brain, thereby causing depression. And if you are already suffering from bouts of depression, then it is recommended that you prevent consuming foods that are likely to block serotonin levels. Unhappy feelings are also caused due to the low level of selenium, lack of folic acid being a major factor for depression.  
Junk Food
Researches indicate that consumption of junk food is more likely to cause depression compared to people who eat healthy foods. Sweetened desserts, chocolates, fried food, processed meat, refined grains, high-fat dairy products, and condiments are some foods that trigger depression, when consumed for prolonged periods.
Modern Foods
Diet of a person is known to show a strong association with depression. What people preferred to eat some fifty years back, have now been replaced with an altogether different list of food items. While the diet of people in old days included natural sources of omega-3, the present generation has replaced them with foods containing high levels of omega-6. That, however, doesn’t by any way means to cut short on omega-6 food in the diet. It, instead, means that a reduction in the consumption of omega-3 foods is another cause for increased levels of depression.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

What to Do at a Road Traffic Accident?

What to Do at a Road Traffic Accident?

  1. Make sure your car is parked safely and that other cars are at a safe distance. Hazard flashers must be switched on. Switch off ignition on crashed vehicles, and ensure that they cannot move. Keep clear if a vehicle is on fire, or if there are fallen electricity wires. Safety must be the first concern.
  2. Check to see if anyone is injured. Do not attempt to move a casualty unless the person is in immediate danger or if it is necessary to clear the airway or give expired air or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Splint any fractures before the casualty is moved, if possible. Drag the casualty clear by the clothing on the shoulders if this can be done, or else by the wrists or the feet, moving backwards, sliding the casualty gently. Keep the casualty as horizontal to the ground as is practical, taking care to avoid injuring the neck or back, or allowing the head to bump. If possible, remove the object crushing a crush casualty. Send for emergency services immediately.
  3. Place any unconscious victim in the stable side position. Check airway, breathing and pulse and if necessary give expired air or cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  4. Check unconscious casualties for bleeding and try to control by direct pressure.
  5. Speak reassuringly to conscious casualties, making them comfortable, monitoring breathing and controlling bleeding.
  6. Check all accident victims for indications of shock, including any who may be wandering around.
  7. Cover casualties with light blanket or clothing, but do not give anything to eat or drink.
  8. If a bystander or assistant is available, send such a person to call ambulance and other emergency services, giving precise location and nature of accident, with the number and severity of injuries; whether anyone is trapped and what special services are needed. The first aider should stay with the casualties until help Arrives

Best Way to Get Rid of a Pimple Fast! !

  Best Way to Get Rid of a Pimple Fast!

Got a Pimple?

This article will show you step-by-step the easiest and quickest way to get rid of a big zit, using only free ingredients you have at lying around at home. The best way to get rid of a pimple fast is to prevent your acne from happening in the first place, but this is not a perfect world, and you have probably done everything you can to keep your pimples from surfacing, but no matter what they're still there. Don't worry! There are two quick ways to get rid of it, usually within just one day!

1st Method: Hot Compress

***Use the hot washcloth method only if your pimple has broken the surface of your skin (if your zit is a white head, black head, oozing, or you just really, really, want to pop it)

--First, scrub your skin with a quality face wash

--Soak a washcloth (or cotton ball, paper towel) in hot water

--Use the washcloth on your zit for at least 20-30 minutes, resoaking it in hot water again when needed.

--Dry your skin by patting gently with a dry washcloth

--Now the tricky part - popping the pimple :p. It should look waterlogged by now, and will be easy to pop, just make sure NOT to press down, as this will force bacteria deeper inside the pimple causing a bigger zit.

-Apply some benzoyl peroxide to the zit (or any treatment cream you have) right after you pop it. This will remove any excess bacteria.

All in all this takes about 30 minutes - 1 hour. But your zit should be gone within 2 days.

2nd Method: Freezing

*** This is the fastest method to use if your zit is still beneath the skin - if its not a white head or black head, and there is no puss coming out of it (gross I know).

-- First, wash your face like you normally would with an acne cleanser

--Now that you've removed any surface oils, use a frozen ice pack to freeze the pimple. Don't worry if you can't find a freeze pack, you can easily create one by wrapping some ice in foil.

--Leave the ice on the pimple for 10 minutes

--As soon as the time has passed or you can't take the cold anymore, you can remove the ice pack and immediately rub some benzoyl peroxide on the zit.

--Follow these steps again every 5 hours

The way this process works is that by freezing the pimple, you are preventing any more oils and bacteria from spreading and causing a bigger zit. The benzoyl peroxide is essential because after the ice pack is used, it helps to dry up any oils that may have spread. If you do this correctly at least 3 times in one day, your pimple should be gone by the next day.

Want to Prevent Pimples From Ever Happening Again?

The Acne Solution - Before and AfterCuring acne doesn't need to be as difficult as it seems. I suffered with severe acne for years before I figured out what works best for me.
Here are some tips to follow that you probably never knew help cure acne:

#1. The single most important thing you need to be able to cure your acne is to know what is causing it in the first place. Learn the cause of your acne - and you know the cure.

#2. Try to stay as hydrated as possible. Most people do not know that dehydration is one of the top 3 causes of acne.

#3. Avoid caffeine. Its kept very hush-hush that caffeine is one of the leading causes of acne. It messes with your hormones, which leads to break-outs!

Nobody deserves to have acne, so I hope these steps will help you to treat your acne too! It CAN go away you just need to take the right steps and be consistent! To create an individualized treatment plan that is guaranteed to cure your acne, fast & easily. 20 minutes there will change your entire life. You'll learn how to have glowing skin, feel confident, AND its easy!

How to overcome exam anxiety and panic attacks- college and test anxiety

Identifying, understanding and treating your anxiety disorder.


Identifying your problem - Symptoms of a panic or anxiety attack

How to tell when you are having a panic attack

A panic attack is described as being sudden, discrete periods of intense anxiety, mounting physiological arousal, fear, stomach problems and discomfort that are associated with a variety of somatic and cognitive symptoms. If you suffer from panic attacks or an anxiety disorder, you don't need a text book to tell you what one is, you know what it feels like. You've experienced the terror that flows through you. Like a deep pressure you cant get away from.

For those who don't know, or who are not yet convinced that they too suffer from panic attacks there are a list of symptoms that you may experience during a panic attack.

They include:

  • Racing heartbeat

  • Chest pains

  • Upset stomach

  • Dizziness

  • Nausea

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Loss of sensation

  • Hot or cold flashes

  • Sensory distortions or hallucinations

  • A unexplained feeling of terror

  • Fear of dying

  • As you can tell the symptoms are many and terrifying.

    Understanding your problem - Long term effects of panic or anxiety attack stress on the body and mind

    Why anxiety disorders are not harmless episodes.

    When it comes to panic attacks or anxiety disorders the biggest risk is not to the body but to the mind. That is to say, it's not so harmful physically as it is mentally and emotionally.

    A panic attack is essentially an overreaction to outside stress. During this overreaction the body prepares itself to either fight the situation or flee from it. This is why your body systems change. Your heart rate increases, digestion stops, blood flow to your brain, arms and legs increase, etc. These are not bad things in and of themselves, in fact the physical symptoms of a panic attack are very similar to a aggressive workout are are not harmful to the body.

    I want to emphasize, during a panic attack you are in no physical danger.

    The harm then is to you mentally and emotionally. The fear of having another panic attack can cripple your confidence and cause you to shy away from having a social life. You begin to avoid going outside because you are afraid of the terror you experience during an episode and because of the embarrassment from having an attack in public. You develop a "safe place" and you hate to leave that place, you may even begin to feel paranoid when you leave your safe place.

    Mentally, you may begin to see a loss in performance. You don't go to work or class because of your fear of an attack. You may loose out on valuable work time or information and when its time for an exam or performance review you really begin to stress. I once knew a person that would study for hours on end until she knew everything in the class. Then when it came time for the exam she began to panic and second guess herself. Soon a mental block formed in her mind and she couldn't remember all the information she studied until after the exam. Because of her panic attacks her classes really began to suffer.

    If this sounds like something you have experienced know that there are some treatments that have met with success. No treatment will work though if you are not willing to try them and stick with them. To learn about a treatment that can help you if you are willing to work with the program . It is not a magic cure, but if you are really suffering with panic attacks then you will do anything to overcome them.

    Treating your problem - Avoiding anxiety or panic attacks before your college exam or in everyday life

    How to stay calm and perform at your best.

    No one treatment will work for everyone 100% of the time. And no treatment will work if you are not willing to first work for the treatment. If you are not willing to see through with a treatment then there will be no magic cure for you, no pill, no surgery. If you will not take the first step then you will have to learn to live with your panic attacks for the rest of your life. That is the decision I was faced with, and I decided to take a step. It was not easy, no treatment will be. Nor was it magical, any treatment that offers that is a guaranteed fail. No it was work and it took time, but I stuck with it and you can too.

    "The key difference between someone who is cured of panic attacks and those who are not is really very simple. The people who are cured no longer fear panic attacks. I'll try to show you how to be one of these people as well.

    What if I told you the trick to ending panic and anxiety attacks is to want to have one. That sounds strange, even contradictory, but let me explain.

    The trick to panic attacks is wanting to have one-the wanting pushes it away. Can you have a panic attack in this very second? No!

    You know the saying that "what you resist, persists." Well that saying applies perfectly to fear. If you resist a situation out of fear, the fear around that issue will persist. How do you stop resisting-you move directly into it, into the path of the anxiety, and by doing so it cannot persist.

    To be rid of the fear you must metaphorically jump. You must jump off the cliff edge and into the anxiety and fear and all the things that you fear most.

    How do you jump? You jump by wanting to have a panic attack. You go about your day asking for anxiety and panic attacks to appear."

    Sounds radical doesn't it? Sounds different, sounds like nothing any of the doctors or self help gurus have every told you. And you know what? If none of those people helped you then maybe it is time to try something different.

    I can't promise it will work for you like it did me, but I CAN promise that if you don't try it and if you don't work at it, then nothing will work for you.

    Get ready to work at having a more relaxing and successful life.


    Following Are the Possible D/D of Facial Malor Flush/Rash------
     This is systemic lupus erythematus
    1.Electromagnetic, Physics, trauma, Radiation Causes
    2.Infectious Disorders (Specific Agent)
        Streptococcal pharyngitis, beta type A
        Erythema infectiosum
        Primary HIV infection syndrome
        Scarlet fever
        Toxic shock syndrome
        Measles (rubeola)
        Parvovirus B19 Polyarthritis syndrome
        Lupus vulgaris/Tuberculous
        Smallpox (variola)
    3.Infected organ, Abscesses
        Facial Cellulitis
    4.Neoplastic Disorders
        Carcinoid syndrome/Carcinoid metastatic
        Carcinoid tumor
        Polycythemia rubra vera/infant
        Polycythemia vera
        Carcinoid, metast. to liver
        Polycythemia, tumorogenic secondary

    5.Allergic, Collagen, Auto-Immune Disorders

        Anaphylaxis, generalized
        Food allergy
        Dermatitis, contact
        Eczema/Dermatitis, atopic
        Dermatomyositis/childhood type
        Drug induced Lupus (SLE)-
        Lupus erythematosis, systemic
        Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD)/Undifferentiated
        Scleroderma, progressive systemic
        Dermatitis, neutrophilic (Sweet's syn)
        Lupus, discoid, chronic

    6.Metabolic, Storage Disorders


    7.Deficiency Disorders
        Pellagra/niacin deficiency

    8.Congenital, Developmental Disorders
        Plethora of newborn
        Bloom syndrome

    9.Hereditary, Familial, Genetic Disorders
        Polycythemia, hereditary benign

    10.Anatomic, Foreign Body, Structural Disorders
        Mitral valve stenosis

    11.Vegetative, Autonomic, Endocrine Disorders
        Cushing's disease/Syndrome
        Polycythemia, stress (Gaisboeck)

    12.Reference to Organ System

        Acne vulgaris (acne)
        Acne rosacea
        Seborrhea dermatitis/dandruff disorder
        Polycythemia/Secondary polycythemia

    13.Idiopathic, Unclassified Disorders
        Pityriasis rubra pilaris

        Niacin/Nicotinic acid Administration/Toxicity

    15.Poisoning (Specific Agent)
        Fish poisoning
        Alcoholism, chronic
        Fish Poisoning, Scomboid
        Acrodynia/Pink disease

    Wednesday, 1 August 2012

    Treatment regimen of cholera

    Antibiotic treatment of choice for treating cholera in an adult is a single dose of:
    1 Tetracycline.
    2 Co-trimoxazole.
    3 Doxycycline.
    4 Furazolidone.
    Answer is 3        K. Park P.S.M. 17th ed./173.Table 9.124
    Antibiotics used in the treatment of cholera
    Antibiotics                                     Children                            Adults
    Doxycycline once                             -                                    300 mg
    Tetracycline                                 12.5 mg/kg                         500 mg
    4 times a day for 3 days
    Trimethroprim (TMP) TMP         5 mg/kg and                     TMP 160 mg
    sulfamethoxazole (SMX) SMX     25 mg/kg                         SMX 800 mg
    twice a day for 3 days

    1) Erythromycin and chloramphenicol may also be used when none of the other recommended
    antibiotics are available, or when Vibrio Cholerae 01 is resistant to the latter.
    2) Doxycycline is the antibiotic of choice for adults (excepting pregnant women), since a single dose suffices.
    3) TMP-SMX is the antibiotic of choice for children. Tetracycline is equally effective, but is not available everywhere in paediatric form.
    4) Furazolidone is the antibiotic of choice for pregnant women.


    1.Which one of the following is a good index of the severity of an acute disease?
    1 Cause specific death rate.
    2 Case fatality rate.
    3 Standardized mortality ratio.
    4 Five year survival

    Answer is 2                 K PARK - PSM 17th ed/49 (repeat)

    Case fatality rate represents the killing power of a disease. It is simply the ratio of deaths to cases. So It is a ratio not the true rate. Case fatality rate is closely related to virulence.
    Total No. Of death d/t a particular disease                                                                     X 100 =C.F.R                           Total No. Of cases d/t the same disease

    2. Distribution of blood flow is mainly regulated by the:
    1 Arteries
    2 Arterioles
    3 Capillaries
    4 Venules

    Answer is 2

            Blood flow in the vessels primarily due to pumping action of the heart
    Other factors are diastolic recoil of walls of arteries, pumping action skeletal muscle on
    veins and negative intrathoracic pressure
            Regulation of Blood flow to each tissue is depends on the diameter of the vessels
    principally of arterioles. Resistance to flow mostly depends on diameter of arterioles and to a minor degree on the viscosity of the blood. Arterioles are the major site of the resistance to blood flow and small change in their caliber causes large change in the total peripheral resistance.

    3. A 2-year-old female child was brought to a PHC with a history of cough and fever for 4 days with inability to drink for last 12 hours. On examination, the child was having weight of 5 kg and respiratory rate of 45/minute with fever. The child will be classified as suffering from:
    1 Very severe disease.
    2 Severe Pneumonia.
    3 Pneumonia.
    4 No Pneumonia.

    Answer is 3
    K PARK PSM 17th ed/137
    Management of pneumonia in a child aged 2 months upto 5 years
    Chest indrawing (if also recurrent wheezing, go directly to treat wheezing
    No chest indrawing but fast breathing
    (50 per minute or more if child 2 months -upto 12 months,
      40 per minute or more if child 12 months upto 5 years
    No chest indrawing Nofastbreathing (Less than 50 per minute if child 2 months upto 5 years).


    Couples unable to conceive after 12 months of contraceptive-free intercourse if the female is under the age of 34, or if the couple hasn't conceived after six months of contraceptive-free intercourse if the female is over the age of 35, should get themselves checked. There are many biological causes of infertility, some of which may be bypassed with medical intervention. A majority of cases are caused by genetics and are not preventable.However, it is possible to prevent some potential kinds of infertility by bringing about certain changes to your day-to-day lifestyle. The environment we live in has a huge impact on your potential fertility.
    Following measures and precautions can help prevent infertility:

    Weight control: Overweight or underweight women experience a higher risk of ovulation disorders.Weight loss should be gradual and accompanied by a balanced diet and moderate exercise. Women following fad diets and doing strenuous activity, have decreased ovulation and increased menstrual disturbances. In men, strenuous exercise leads to a decrease in the sperm count due to an increase in the testicular temperature, impairing sperm production. 

    Avoidance of drugs:Drugs like cocaine and marijuana have been linked to irreparable damage and infertility in both sexes. Staw away from them.

    Repeated abortions or undergoing unsafe abortion leads to a higher risk of infertility, as it can cause scarring of the uterine cavity or tubal blockage.

    Toxins:Pesticides, lead, heavy metals, toxic chemicals and ionising radiations reduce fertility in both sexes.

    Smoking has been linked to low sperm counts and sluggish sperm movement in men, and an increase in miscarriage in women. Alcohol (especially binge drinking or chronic abuse), affects the fertility of both men and women trying to conceive either naturally or through infertility treatments. Alcohol reduces sperm counts, can interfere with sexual performance, disrupt hormone balances and increase the risk of miscarriage.

    . Early diagnosis of conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and cervical cancer may prevent infertility. Detection and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases helps safeguard one's fertility.

    Boost your daily intake of natural antioxidants through simple dietary modifications.
    - Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, which improves egg quality by preventing egg damage during the process of maturation. Dietary sources include nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, cereal brans such as wheat, oat or rice bran and vegetable oils.
    - Vitamin C has been shown to better fertility in women with poor 'luteal phase', and improve chances of implantation of the egg in the uterus. Citrus fruits, strawberries, guavas, kiwi and veggies such as tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, vegetable greens and bell peppers are rich sources.
    - Folic acid is an important prenatal vitamin — it prevents the incidence of birth defects in the foetus and is essential to produce genetic material in every cell of our body. An ideal fertility diet should contain green leafy vegetables, coloured veggies, fruits, sprouts, nuts and seeds, beans, vegetable oils, dairy products, whole grains, fish and lean meat. Foods consumed in their natural raw state give maximum benefit — over-cooking destroys vital nutrients.

    .The Correct Answer is :

    Winged scapula = Scapula alata


    See below for Answer------


    TETANUS---Signs,symptoms & Treatement

    Tetanus is infection of the nervous system with the potentially deadly bacteria Clostridium tetani (C. tetani).

    Causes, incidence, and risk factors

    Spores of the bacteria C. tetani live in the soil and are found around the world. In the spore form, C. tetani may remain inactive in the soil, but it can remain infectious for more than 40 years.
    Infection begins when the spores enter the body through an injury or wound. The spores release bacteria that spread and make a poison called tetanospasmin. This poison blocks nerve signals from the spinal cord to the muscles, causing severe muscle spasms. The spasms can be so powerful that they tear the muscles or cause fracture of the spine.
    The time between infection and the first sign of symptoms is typically 7 to 21 days. Most cases of tetanus in the United States occur in those who have not been properly vaccinated against the disease.


    Tetanus often begins with mild spasms in the jaw muscles (lockjaw). The spasms can also affect the chest, neck, back, and abdominal muscles. Back muscle spasms often cause arching, called ophisthotonus.
    Sometimes the spasms affect muscles that help with breathing, which can lead to breathing problems.
    Prolonged muscular action causes sudden, powerful, and painful contractions of muscle groups. This is called tetany. These episodes can cause fractures and muscle tears.
    Other symptoms include:
    • Drooling
    • Excessive sweating
    • Fever
    • Hand & foot spasms
    • Irritability
    • Swallowing difficulty
    • Uncontrolled urination or defecation

    Signs and tests

    Your doctor will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your medical history. No specific lab test is available to determine the diagnosis of tetanus.
    Other tests may be used to rule out meningitis,rabies strychnine poisoning, and other diseases with similar symptoms.


    Treatment may include:
    • Antibiotics, including penicillin, clindamycin erythromycin, or metronidazole (metronidazole has been most successful)
    • Bedrest with a nonstimulating environment (dim light, reduced noise, and stable temperature)
    • Medicine to reverse the poison (tetanus immune globulin)
    • Muscle relaxers such as Diazepam
    • Sedatives
    • Surgery to clean the wound and remove the source of the poison (debridement)
    Breathing support with oxygen, a breathing tube, and a breathing machine may be necessary.